
Do you know a fellow Three Rivers Chapter member that goes above and beyond in the field of health and safety?

The ASSP Chapter SPY award is an honor acknowledging the dedication and outstanding contributions of a member. The recipient receives an engraved award which is presented at a Chapter meeting.

We encourage you to nominate someone deserving for the chapter’s Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) Award. The winner of the chapter SPY award will also have the opportunity to be nominated for the ASSP Region V SPY award. To nominate a deserving individual, simply complete this nomination form and return it to the Three Rivers Board via email at

TRC Chapter SPY Nomination Form

The roots of this award hail back to April 16, 1947 when an explosion destroyed Monsanto’s Texas City plant killing 512 people. Edward Monsanto Queeny, then president of Monsanto, grieved over the destruction and developed a deep personal commitment to protect workers from industrial accidents and health hazards. It is in his memory that Monsanto sponsors the SPY Award for outstanding accomplishments by one of the Society’s top professionals. To learn more about this award, visit SPY Award.

Past SPY Recipients

2023 JD Horst

2022 John Newquist

2021 James McGovern

2020 Jeff Winter

2019  Diane Rigsbee

2018  Greg Meyer

2017  Brenda Allard

2015  Anita Worden

2014  Robert Zima

2013  Mery Sennett